Thematic tracks
To promote discussions among participants, EPIA'2009 is structured as a set of thematic tracks proposed by the Portuguese and international AI research communities. Thematic tracks are intended to provide an informal environment that fosters the active cross-fertilization of ideas between researchers within specific sub-areas of AI, including theoretical/foundational, integrative, application-oriented and newly emerging areas. After evaluation of proposals received in response to the Call for Thematic Tracks, the following tracks were selected and included in the conference program:
- AITUM Artificial Intelligence in Transportation and Urban Mobility
- ALEA Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms
- CMBSB Computational Methods in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- COLA Computational Logic with Applications
- EAC Emotional and Affective Computing
- GAI General Artificial Intelligence
- IROBOT Intelligent Robotics
- KDBI Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence
- MASTA Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
- SSM Social Simulation and Modelling
- TEMA Text Mining and Applications
- WNI Web and Network Intelligence