Fourteenth Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Important Dates

  • Deadline for track proposals: November 15, 2008
  • Notification of track acceptance: January 10, 2009
  • Extended deadline for paper submission: April 29, 2009
  • Notification of paper acceptance: June 15, 2009
  • Deadline for final versions: July 15, 2009
  • Conference dates: October 12-15, 2009





September 16, 2009, Provisional version of Detailed Schedule has been published.

September 15, 2009, General Schedule has been published.

September 8, 2009, list of accepted papers has been announced.

June 19, 2009, registration is open.

June 15, 2009, paper decision was sent.

April 9, 2009, paper submission deadline was extended.

February 10, 2009, announcement of accepted tracks.

February 10, 2009, call for papers was added.

October 7, 2008 call for thematic tracks announcement.

October 6, 2008 site announcement.


General Schedule

Monday 12 Oct
8:00 Registration opens
8:30 SDIA
14:00 Opening Session
14:30 AITUM 1 SSM 1
16:10 Coffee Break
Tuesday 13 Oct
8:30 Invited Talk
The Robotic Scientist
Hod Lipson
9:45 Coffee Break
10:15 IROBOT 1 KDBI 1 GAI 1
11:30 Short Break
11:45 IROBOT 2 KDBI 2 GAI 2
13:00 Lunch
16:10 Coffee Break
16:40 IROBOT 4 KDBI Panel EAC
17:05 IFIP TC12 / WG 12.3 Open Session
Wednesday 14 Oct
8:30 Invited Talk
More than Just Words
Marie-Francine Moens
9:45 Coffee Break
10:15 Nectar 1
11:30 Short Break
11:45 Nectar 2
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Nectar 3
16:35 Coffee Break
17:05 APPIA General Assembly
20:00 Conference Dinner
Thursday 15 Oct
8:30 Invited Talk
Artificial Life Simulation of Humans and Lower Animals
Demetri Terzopoulos
9:45 Coffee Break
10:15 TEMA 1 ALEA 1 MASTA 1
11:30 Short Break
11:45 TEMA 2 ALEA 2 MASTA 2
13:00 Lunch
14:30 TEMA 3 COLA 1 MASTA 3
16:10 Coffee Break
16:40 TEMA 4 COLA 2 MASTA 4
18:20 Closing Session

Detailed Schedule

You can find a provisional version of the technical program here.

Nectar 1 (Wednesday 14 Oct)

Chair: Luís M. Rocha

10:15Cost-Sensitive Learning Vector Quantization for Financial Distress Prediction
Ning Chen, Armando S. Vieira, João Duarte, Bernardete Ribeiro, and João C. Neves
10:40Efficient Coverage of Case Space with Active Learning
Nuno Filipe Escudeiro and Alípio Mário Jorge
11:05Semantic Image Search and Subset Selection for Classifier Training in Object Recognition
Rui Pereira, Luís Seabra Lopes, and Augusto Silva

Nectar 2 (Wednesday 14 Oct)

Chair: Helder Coelho

11:45A Data-Fusion Approach to Representing Personality Traits, Values, Beliefs and Behavior Descriptions
Boon-Kiat Quek, Kayo Sakamoto, and Andrew Ortony
12:10How Much Should Agents Remember? The Role of Memory Size on Convention Emergence Efficiency
Paulo Urbano, João Balsa, Paulo Ferreira Jr., and Luis Antunes
12:35Sensitivity Analysis of a Tax Evasion Model Applying Automated Design of Experiments
Attila Szabó, László Gulyás, and István János Tóth

Nectar 3 (Wednesday 14 Oct)

Chair: Luís Correia

14:30Constraint-Based Strategy for Pairwise RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
Olivier Perriquet and Pedro Barahona
14:55Type Parametric Compilation of Algebraic Constraints
Marco Correia and Pedro Barahona
15:20Using Operator Equalisation for Prediction of Drug Toxicity with Genetic Programming
Leonardo Vanneschi and Sara Silva
15:45Comparing Different Properties Involved in Word Similarity Extraction
Pablo Gamallo Otero
16:10Roles, Positionings and Set Plays to Coordinate a MSL Robot Team
Nuno Lau, Luís Seabra Lopes, Nelson Filipe, and Gustavo Corrente

AITUM 1 (Monday 12 Oct)

Chair: Jorge Lopes

14:30Genetic Algorithm for the Calibration of Vehicle Performance Models of Microscopic Traffic Simulators
André Luiz Cunha, José Elievam Bessa Jr., and José Reynaldo Setti
14:55Simulating Communication in a Service-Oriented Architecture for V2V Networks
João F. B. Gonçalves, Edgar F. Esteves, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti, and Eugénio C. Oliveira
15:20Applying Event Stream Processing on Traffic Problem Detection
Oliver Pawlowski, Jürgen Dunkel, Ralf Bruns, and Sascha Ossowski
15:45Prediction of Congested Traffic on the Critical Density Point Using Machine Learning and Decentralised Collaborating Cameras
Wouter Labeeuw, Kurt Driessens, Danny Weyns, Tom Holvoet, and Geert Deconinck

AITUM 2 (Monday 12 Oct)

Chair: Elisabete Arsenio

16:40Minimizing Airport Peaks Problems by Improving Airline Operations Performance through an Agent Based System
António J.M. Castro, António Mota, Luís Paulo Reis, and Eugénio Oliveira
17:05Evaluating Policies for Reservation-Based Intersection Control
Matteo Vasirani and Sascha Ossowski
17:30Intelligent Transportation Systems: a Ubiquitous Perspective
Lúcio Sanchez Passos and Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti

ALEA 1 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Agostinho Rosa

10:15Instability in Spatial Evolutionary Games
Carlos Grilo and Luís Correia
10:40Agent-Based Model of Aedes Aegypti Population Dynamics
Carlos Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, Fá́bio Barata, and Agostinho Rosa
11:05How to Build the Network of Contacts Selecting the Cooperative Partners
Pedro Mariano, Luís Correia, and Carlos Grilo

ALEA 2 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Luís Correia

11:45Predicting the Outcome of Mutation in Genetic Algorithms
Sandeep Rajoria, Carlos Soares, Jorge Pinho de Sousa, and Joydip Dhar
12:10A Tool for Automatic Routing of Auxiliary Circuits in Ships
Paulo Triunfante Martins and Victor J. A. S. Lobo
12:35Genetic Algorithms Using Populations Based on Multisets
António Manso and Luís Correia

CMBSB (Monday 12 Oct)

Chair: Rui Camacho

16:40Syntactic Parsing for Bio-Molecular Event Detection from Scientific Literature
Sérgio Matos, Anabela Barreiro, and José Luis Oliveira
17:05Approximate 3D Motif Search in Proteins with Domain Specific Knowledge
Arno Formella, Thorsten Pöschel, and Cástor Sánchez Chao

COLA 1 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Vítor Santos Costa

14:30Intention Recognition via Causal Bayes Networks plus Plan Generation
Luís Moniz Pereira and Han The Anh
14:55Learning and Reasoning about Uncertainty in the Semantic Web
Pedro Oliveira and Paulo Gomes
15:20An ILP system for learning Head Output Connected predicates
José C. A. Santos, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, and Stephen Muggleton
15:45A Logic Programming System for Evolving Programs with Temporal Operators
José Júlio Alferes, Alfredo Gabaldon, and João Leite

COLA 2 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Fernando Silva

16:40On Improving the Efficiency of Deterministic Calls and Answers in Tabled Logic Programs
Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha
17:05On Just In Time Indexing of Dynamic Predicates in Prolog
Vítor Santos Costa
17:30Using a Contextual Logic Programming Language to Acess Data in Warehousing Systems
Valéria Pequeno, Salvador Abreu, and João Carlos Moura Pires
17:55Tabling for P-log probabilistic query evaluation
Han The Anh, Carroline Kencana Ramli, and Carlos Viegas Damásio

EAC (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Andrew Ortony

16:40Personality, Emotion and Mood Simulation in Decision Making
Ricardo Santos, Goreti Marreiros, Carlos Ramos, José Neves, and José Bulas-Cruz
17:05A Formal Model of Emotion-based Action Tendency for Intelligent Agents
Bas R. Steunebrink, Mehdi Dastani, and John-Jules Ch. Meyer
17:30An Emotion-Driven Interactive System
Francisco Ventura, António Oliveira, and Amílcar Cardoso
17:55An Emotional and Context-Aware Model for Adapting RSS News to Users and Groups
Eugénia Vinagre, Goreti Marreiros, Carlos Ramos, and Lino Figueiredo

GAI 1 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: João Gama

10:15Learning Visual Object Categories with Global Descriptors and Local Features
Rui Pereira and Luís Seabra Lopes
10:40Bringing Relevant Topics to Foster Learning with the Aid of Ontologies
Elaine Harada Teixeira de Oliveira, Erika Handa Nozawa, Rosa Maria Vicari, and Alberto Nogueira de Castro Júnior
11:05An Intelligent Interface Agent for an Airline Company Web Portal
Luís Barbosa, António J.M. Castro, and Luís Paulo Reis

GAI 2 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Pedro Barahona

11:45Restoring CSP Satisfiability with MaxSAT
Inês Lynce and João Marques-Silva
12:10Colored Nonograms: an Integer Linear Programming Approach
Luís Mingote and Francisco Azevedo
12:35An Evaluation of Heuristic Functions for Bicriterion Shortest Path Problems
E. Machuca, L. Mandow and J.L. Pérez de la Cruz

IROBOT 1 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Luís Correia

10:15Embodied Language Acquisition: a Proof of Concept
Aneesh Chauhan, Amanda Nascimento, Bruno Werneck, and Luís Seabra Lopes
10:40Multirobot Task Assignment in Active Surveillance
Nelson Gonçalves and João Sequeira
11:05MODEN: Obstacle-driven Elastic Network for Line-of-Sight Communication
Francisco S. Melo and Manuela Veloso

IROBOT 2 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Luís Correia

11:45NeatSqueak on Wheels: Neural Networks Applied to Movement Optimization
Hugo Peixoto, João Portela, Rui Teixeira, Filipe Castro, and Luís Paulo Reis
12:10Using Accelerometers to Command a Cleaning Service Robot
Armando Sousa and Luís Paulo Reis
12:35Towards a Spatial Model for Humanoid Social Robots
Dario Figueira, Manuel Lopes, Rodrigo Ventura, and Jonas Ruesch

IROBOT 3 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: António J. R. Neves

14:30Intelligent Robotic Mapping and Exploration with Converging Target Localization
João Certo, João Lobato Oliveira, and Luís Paulo Reis
14:55Robustness and Precision Analysis in Map-Matching based Mobile Robot Self-Localization
Manuel Gouveia, António Paulo Moreira, Paulo Costa, Luís Paulo Reis, and Marcos Ferreira
15:20Environment Mapping using the Lego Mindstorms NXT and leJOS NXJ
Gerardo Oliveira, Ricardo Silva, Tiago Lira, and Luís Paulo Reis
15:45Using BarCodes as Robotic Landmarks
Armando Sousa, Catarina Santiago, Paulo Malheiros, Paulo Costa, and António Paulo Moreira

IROBOT 4 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Luís Paulo Reis

16:40Analysis and Forecast of Team Formation in the Simulated Robotic Soccer Domain
Rui Almeida, Luís Paulo Reis, and Alípio Mário Jorge
17:05Predictive Control for Behavior Generation of Omni-Directional Robots
João Cunha, Nuno Lau, João Rodrigues, Bernardo Cunha, and José Luís Azevedo
17:30Control and Monitoring of a Robotic Soccer Team:The Base Station Application
Nuno M. Figueiredo, António J. R. Neves, Nuno Lau, Artur Pereira, and Gustavo Corrente
17:55Obstacle Detection, Identification and Sharing on a Robotic Soccer Team
João Silva, Nuno Lau, António J. R. Neves, João Rodrigues, and José Luís Azevedo
18:20A Cooperative CiberMouse@RTSS08 Team
João Azevedo, Miguel Oliveira, Pedro Pacheco, and Luís Paulo Reis

KDBI 1 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Paulo Cortez

10:15An Extension of the Core Method for Continuous Values: Learning with Probabilities
Nuno C. Marques
10:40Exploiting Generalized Association Rules
Marcos Aurélio Domingues and Solange Oliveira Rezende
11:05Construction of a Local Domain Ontology from News Stories
Brett Drury and J. J. Almeida

KDBI 2 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Luís Cavique

11:45Tracking Recurring Concepts with Meta-Learners
João Gama and Petr Kosina
12:10A Study on Change Detection Methods
Raquel Sebastião and João Gama
12:35Knowledge Discovery Methodology for Medical Reports
Vitor Pinheiro and Victor Alves

KDBI 3 (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Nuno Marques

14:30Detecting Errors in Foreign Trade Transactions: Dealing with Insufficient Data
Luis Torgo, Welma Pereira, and Carlos Soares
14:55An Intelligent Alarm Management System for Large-Scale Telecommunication Companies
Raúl Costa, Nuno Cachulo, and Paulo Cortez
15:20Histogram Based Payload Processing for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Systems in Network Intrusion
Iñigo Perona, Iñaki Albisua, Olatz Arbelaitz, Ibai Gurrutxaga, José I. Martín, Javier Muguerza, and Jesús M. Pérez
15:45An Algorithm to Discover the k-Clique Cover in Networks
Luís Cavique, Armando B. Mendes, and Jorge M. A. Santos

MASTA 1 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: César Analide

10:15Agent Inferencing Meets The Semantic Web
Paulo Trigo and Helder Coelho
10:40Knowledge Acquisition and Intelligent Agency on the Web of Data
Elder Rizzon Santos, Rosa Maria Vicari, and Helder Coelho
11:05Towards a Learning Agent Architecture for Cross-Map Transfer
Cédric Herpson and Vincent Corruble

MASTA 2 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Eugénio Oliveira

11:45A Flexible Agent-Based Framework to Control Virtual Characters
Luís Moniz, Graça Gaspar, Ricardo Abreu, Ana Paula Cláudio, and Maria Beatriz Carmo
12:10Modeling Autonomous Adaptive Agents with Functional Language for Simulations
Richárd Legéndi, László Gulyás, Rajmund Bocsi, and Tamás Máhr

MASTA 3 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Helder Coelho

14:30Recovering from Airline Operational Problems with a Multi-Agent System: a Case Study
António Mota, António J. M. Castro, and Luís Paulo Reis
14:55DarkBlade: a Program That Plays Diplomacy
João Ribeiro, Pedro Mariano, and Luís Seabra Lopes
15:20Computing Confidence Values: Do Trust Dynamics Matters?
Joana Urbano, Ana Paula Rocha, and Eugénio C. Oliveira
15:45EcoSimNet: a Multi-Agent System for Ecological Simulation and Optimization
António Pereira, Luís Paulo Reis, and Pedro Duarte

MASTA 4 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: João Balsa

16:40A study of Agents with Self-awareness for Collaborative Behavior
Sheng-Wen Wang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Chung-Yuan Huang
17:05A Formal Notion of Objective Expectations in the Context of Multiagent System Routines
Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa and Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro
17:30Telecommunications Fraud: Problem Analysis - an Agent-Based KDD perspective
Eugénio Rosas and Cesar Analide

SSM 1 (Monday 12 Oct)

Chair: Luis Antunes

14:30Games on Cellular Spaces: An Evolutionary Approach
Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade, Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, and Gilberto Câmara
14:55A Critical Study of the Coherence between EBMs and ABMs in the Simulation of the Hawks-Doves-LawAbiders Society
Fernanda Mendez Jeannes and Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
15:20On the Intelligence of Moral Agency
Helder Coelho and Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
15:45Fuzzy Evaluation of Social Exchanges Between Personality-based Agents
Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro, A.V. Santos, B.C. Bedregal, and Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa

SSM 2 (Monday 12 Oct)

Chair: Antônio Rocha Costa

16:40Context Switching versus Context Permeability in Multiple Social Networks
Luis Antunes, Davide Nunes, Helder Coelho, João Balsa, and Paulo Urbano
17:05A Multi-Agent Model for Panic Behavior in Crowds
Robson dos Santos França, Maria das Graças Bruno Marietto, and Margarethe Born Steinberger
17:30Risk Tolerance and Social Awareness: Adapting Deterrence Sanctions to Agent Populations
Henrique Lopes Cardoso and Eugénio C. Oliveira

TEMA 1 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Pablo Gamallo

10:15A Document Descriptor Extractor Based on Relevant Expressions
Joaquim Ferreira da Silva and Gabriel Pereira Lopes
10:40Phrase Translation Extraction from Aligned Parallel Corpora Using Suffix Arrays and Related Structures
José Aires, Gabriel Pereira Lopes, and Luís Gomes
11:05Relations Extracted from a Portuguese Dictionary: Results and First Evaluation
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Diana Santos, and Paulo Gomes

TEMA 2 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Victor Rocio

11:45Classifying Documents According to Locational Relevance
Ivo Anastácio, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado
12:10Multi-Label Hierarchical Text Classification Using the ACM Taxonomy
António Paulo Santos and Fátima Rodrigues
12:35Combining Unigrams and Bigrams in Semi-Supervised Text Classification
Igor Assis Braga, Maria Carolina Monard, and Edson Takashi Matsubara

TEMA 3 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Gabriel Pereira Lopes

14:30Sentiment Classification across Domains
Dinko Lambov, Gaël Dias, and Veska Noncheva
14:55The Design of OPTIMISM, an Opinion Mining System for Portuguese Politics
Mário J. Silva, Paula Carvalho, Luís Sarmento, Pedro Magalhães, and Eugénio Oliveira
15:20Topic-Related Polarity Classification of Blog Sentences
Michael Wiegand and Dietrich Klakow
15:45Recognizing Polarity and Attitude of Words in Text
Laritza Hernández, A. López-Lopez, and José E. Medina

TEMA 4 (Thursday 15 Oct)

Chair: Joaquim F Silva

16:40Relieving Polysemy Problem for Synonymy Detection
Gaël Dias and Rumen Moraliyski
17:05Parallel Texts Alignment
Luís Gomes, José Aires, and Gabriel Pereira Lopes
17:30Extraction of Definitions in Portuguese: An Imbalanced Data Set Problem
Rosa Del Gaudio and António Branco
17:55Standardisation of Hotel Descriptions Using Information Extraction Techniques
Nuno Miranda, Ricardo Raminhos, Pedro Seabra, José Saias, Teresa Gonçalves, and Paulo Quaresma

WNI (Tuesday 13 Oct)

Chair: Carlos Soares

14:30Item-Based and User-Based Incremental Collaborative Filtering for Web Recommendations
Catarina Miranda and Alípio Mário Jorge
14:55An Ultra-Fast Modularity-Based Graph Clustering Algorithm
Leonardo Jesus Almeida and Alneu de Andrade Lopes
15:20An Updated Portrait of the Portuguese Web
João Miranda and Daniel Gomes
15:45Improving Web User Experience with Document Activity Sparklines
Sérgio Nunes, Cristina Ribeiro and Gabriel David